Parts Manual for FM6800TYAN/941177678

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Item Part Nº. Qty Description
001 3742956828 1 Frame,with,glass,56R
007 3254217866 1 Sealing,1740mm
010 3305877213 2 Induction,electric plate,145/390mm
012 3305877312 2 Coil,inductance,145/390mm
014 3742966181 1 Electronic
015 3890010030 1 Panel,aluminium
018 3307221105 1 Support,Frame
028 N.P.A. - Trim
031 3306485008 1 Power cable,rubber,4x2,5
036 3256436902 1 Silicone,scraper
037A 3742953007 1 Kit,magnet
038 3256437009 1 Silicone,black
093 3305628426 1 Kit,power board,3,2kw A1
094 3305622023 1 Kit,fan motor,cooling,4Zone
096 3742952173 1 Filter,configured,cpl.
148 3872297019 1 Flat cable,control and display board,op panel,9pol. 45mm
214 3306620000 1 Anti-strain clip
238A 3304479003 - Bolt,4,2x9
N.I. 8996612195108 - Clip
N.I. 3195533009 - Kit,fixing,4-fach
N.I. 3305142006 - Bolt,fixing,electronics cover,4x14