Returns Policy

Incorrectly ordered and non-faulty items must be returned to Steve's Appliance Spares within 14 days of delivery received in unused, in original packaging / original condition supplied. We will not accept returns of damaged packaging and damaged items.

All electrical components cannot be returned if they've been opened or installed. 

Shipping costs are non-refundable and the cost of returning an incorrect / non-faulty item is the buyers responsibility.

A restocking fee will apply to returns, equal to 20% of the part cost. This now applies to all returns. We warn multiple times to match your model to the product for this reason. It is costing too much time and resources for our small team to repackage, relabel and restock these into our warehouse.

If you've ordered the incorrect part due to information we've supplied, we will arrange the correct part for you without any extra shipping. If you've supplied the wrong information e.g wrong model or wrong part code to quote, it is not our wrong doing. 

We reserve the right to decline a return or advise parts are non-returnable. We don't have to provide a return option if the item has been supplied and received safely. Many items have to be specially sourced or come from overseas suppliers with no way for us to feasibly return the items ordered in for customers.

Our return address:

Steve's Appliance Spares, 9 Edgeware Road, Palmerston North, 4410

If your item is faulty, read below.

Warranty Claims

All our items come with minimum 12 months warranty, but some are subject to the manufacturer's terms and conditions. 

Electrical service parts must be installed by a registered electrical worker or plumber depending on the part purchased. The cost of installing an original or replacement part is the customers responsibility.

For electrical parts, we require proof of installation of the service part by an electrical worker and evidence of failure to provide a replacement.

In the event an item has failed, we will cover the freight cost of the replacement as well as supply a return label to ship back to us. We will not reimburse third-party shipping costs if the return label is not used.

We reserve the right to refuse a warranty claim where the goods have been damaged, improperly used, or for electrical products, not installed by a registered Electrician, Plumber, service agent or suitably qualified person.

Steve's Appliance Spares will inspect the faulty product within 7 days of notice and offer to replace or refund your purchase depending on which option you wish to choose.

Consumer Guarantees Act 1993

The New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act sets out certain guarantees goods have to meet. It specifies rights and remedies available to you if our goods fail to meet one or more of these guarantees. Steve's Appliance Spares' warranties, and terms of sale will comply with all requirements of the Consumer Guarantees Act. For more information on your rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 please visit the consumer protection website: