Parts Manual for 900 Series BBQ
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Index Part Descreption 3-Burner 4-Burner 5-Burner
Grill; 320mm/13" 94143 94143
Grill; 400mm/15" 94145
Plate; 320mm/13" 94153 94153
Plate; 400mm/15" 94155
3 BeefEater Badge 060513 060513 060513
4 Temperature Gauge, 900Series 473001 473001 473001
5 Hood, Outer Frame, 900 series 473002-3 473002-4 473002-5
6 Vaporizer, 900 series 94173 94174 94173
7 Bezel, Bbq, 900 series 060552 060552 060552
8 Knob, Bbq 060542 060542 060542
9 Fat tray Kit, 900 series 473011-3 473011-4 473011-5
10 Fascia, 900 series, Printed 473018-3 473018-4 473018-5
11 Manifold, tube only, 900series 473021-3 473021-4 473021-5
12 BBQ Fame only, 900series 473022-3 473022-4 473022-5
13 Burner 94701 94701 94701
14 Warming rack, 900 series 473025-3 473025-4 473025-5
15 Hood, Inner Frame, 900 series 473026-3 473026-4 473026-5
16 Rotisserie bracket, 900 seires 473027 473027 473027
Valve, no ignition, 900series 473028 473028 473028
Valve with ignition, 900 series 473034 473034 473034
18 Hood handle, 900 series 473029-3 473029-4 473029-5
19 Handle mount hood, 900s 473030 473030 473030
20 Handle spacer hood, 900s 473031 473031 473031
21 cross fire clip, 900 series 473035 473035 473035
* Ignition Kit, 900series 473038 473038 473038
* Disclaimer - Variation sometimes existing between products in different markets.
Some components may be reflected in the drawing that don't exist in some models.
Index Part Descreption 3-Burner 4-Burner 5-Burner
1 Side Shelf, 900s 473005 473005 473005
2 Castor Wheel, 75mm Screw in 471103 471103 471103
3 Wheel, Solid, 6" 060508W 060508W 060508W
4 Side Burner, 900s, Complete 473019 473019 473019
* Valve, Side Burner, 900i 473039 473039 473039
* Trivett 473040 473040 473040
* Ignition Kit, (Button, Lead; probe 473041 473041 473041
* Cast Burner & Brass Ring 473042 473042 473042
5 Cylinder Hook, 900s 473020 473020 473020
6 Centre panel, 900s 5Bnr N/A N/A 473101
7 Leg, wheel, 900s 473104 473104 473104
8 Leg, castor, 900s 473105 473105 473105
9 LH side panel, 900s 473106 473106 473106
10 RH side panel, 900s 473107 473107 473107
11 Top panel, 900s 473108-3 473108-4 473108-5
12 Base panel, 900s 473109-3 473109-4 473109-5
13 Hinge rod door, 900s 473110 473110 473110
14 Door, Reversable, 900s 473111 473121 473121
15 Door handle, 900s 473112 473112 473112
16 Magnet, Trolley Cabinet 473113 473113 473123
17 Rear panel, 900s 473114-3 473114-4 473114-5
* Bolt Pack - 900 Series 473115 473115 473115
* Disclaimer - Variation sometimes existing between products in different markets.
Some components may be reflected in the drawing that don't exist in some models.
Index Part Description 3-Burner 4-Burner 5-Burner
Grill; 360mm/13" 94143 94143
Grill; 400mm/15" 94145
Plate; 360mm/13" 94153 94153
Plate; 400mm/15" 94155
3 Vaporizer 94173 94174 94173
4 Burner 94701 94701 94701
5 BBQ Fame only 473022-3 473022-4 473022-5
6 Cross Fire Clip (within Bbq Frame) 473035 473035 473035
7 Fascia, Bbq, Screen Printed 473018-3 473018-4 473018-5
8 Beefeater Badge 060513 060513 060513
9 Knob, Bbq 060542 060542 060542
10 Bezel, Bbq 060552 060552 060552
11 Manifold tube only 473021-3 473021-4 473021-5
Valve, 900 series, Non-Ignition 473028 473028 473028
Valve, 900 series, Non-Ignition 473034 473034 473034
13 Fat tray 473011-3 473011-4 473011-5
14 Hood inner 473026-3 473026-4 473026-5
15 Hood Outer 473002-3 473002-4 473002-5
16 Temperature gauge 473001 473001 473001
17 Hood handle 473029-3 473029-4 473029-5
18 Handle mount hood 473030 473030 473030
19 Handle spacer hood 473031 473031 473031
20 Warming rack 473025-3 473025-4 473025-5
21 Rotisserie bracket 473027 473027 473027
22 Side burner Complete 473019 473019 473019
23 Side shelf 473005 473005 473005
24 Spacer, Trolley Side Shelf 473006 473006 473006
25 Leg castor (front) 473009 473009 473009
26 Leg castor (rear) 473010 473010 473010
27 Leg wheel (front) 473015 473015 473015
28 Leg wheel (rear) 473016 473016 473016
29 Castor 471103 471103 471103
30 wheel 060508W 060508W 060508W
31 Front cover, Trolley 473013-3 473013-4 473013-5
32 Base panel 473014-3 473014-4 473014-5
33 Hook cylinder 473020 473020 473020
* Bolt pack 473032 473032 473032
* Disclaimer - Variation sometimes existing between products in different markets.
Some components may be reflected in the drawing that don't exist in some models.