Parts Manual for DVK6981HB/94205140700

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Pos Part No. Matrix Description
1 140188242014 A Frame,black,matt 897,9x569,07
9A 140192003014 A Fat filter,front frame,428x303,5x9
9B 140188353019 A Fat filter,vertical,273x105x9
63 4055494134 A Fixing bracket,chimney
86 80883622 A Flange,with,non return valve,d150mm
120 4055436705 A Bracket,upper,chimney
122 32933202 A Deflector,plastic,white,192x80x152 d150
122B 32934119 A Deflector,plastic,Grid,square 251x192mm
343 140186457010 A Glass panel,AEG,black,609x475
474 140183468028 A Strip,led,350mm
485 140192013013 A Chimney,complete,black,matt 460x197x179
536 140188126019 A Carbon filter,upper,427x266x18
537 140188127017 A Carbon filter,lower,268x105x18
999 140189833019 A Drill template
999 4055489407 A Screw
999 50232672001 A Spring
999 808110571 A Set,fittings

Pos Part No. Matrix Description
399 60023207 A Assembly,motor

Pos Part No. Matrix Description
60 23001282 A Power cable,AUS 3,75 1,6 CL1
228 4055499562 A Main electronic board
230 32933863 A Cover,control panel
300 61435459 A Assembly,installation,electric
920 61028031 A Sensor,assembly,black,H2H passive