Parts Manual for GXL540SLP
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1 0395 001 891 Oven Enamel Conv Gas U/B 1
2 0047 003 096 Vent Tube Gas 1
3 0374 005 172 Insulation Oven Wrap Gas D/F 1
4 0374 005 143 Insulation Oven Back Gas 1
5 0212 002 074 Holder Lamp Assy. (Inc. Items 6 & 7) 1
6 LM003 Lamp-SES E14 25W 300ºC 1
7 N.P.A. Part of Item 5 1
8 0707 018 003 Clip Bulb Thermostat 1
9 0125 008 345 Clip Mounting Element 4
10 0012 018 672 Support Element Grill 1
11 0173 008 050 Wire Insulation Back Formed 2
12 0028 025 292 Cover Burner Oven Enamel 1
13 0327 001 149 Rack Side Oven 4 Position LH 1
0327 001 152 Rack Side Oven 4 Position RH 1
14 0701 009 027 Screw Nº 8 x 1/2" Mush PH #2 AB BK 2
15 0122 004 499 Element Grill 2200W 1
16 0564 001 375 Adaptor Test Point LP UC20 (Inc. Item 18) 1
17 0294 001 029 Regulator Gas NG PTP Integr 1
18 0115 009 011 Washer Sealing 1
19 0571 001 201 Hose Flex 1.7M GHW W/Swivel 1
20 0068 007 040 Fitting Inlet U/B 1
21 0030 024 002 Bracket Mtg Valve H.S.I. 1
22 0136 001 206 Valve Thermal H.S.I. Single 1
23 0131 001 198 Nipple Injector 1.45mm NG H.S.I. 1
0131 001 199 Nipple Injector 0.90mm LP H.S.I. 1
24 0004 008 300 Burner Oven 1
25 0673 001 045 Igniter H.S.I. Assy. W/O 1
26 0701 009 027 Screw Nº 8 x 1/2" Mush PH #2 AB BK 1
1 0395 001 894 Oven Enamel F/F Gas U/B 1
2 0047 003 096 Vent Tube Gas 1
3 0374 005 172 Insulation Oven Wrap Gas D/F 1
4 0374 005 143 Insulation Oven Back Gas 1
5 0212 002 074 Holder Lamp Assy. (Inc. Items 6 & 7) 1
6 LM003 Lamp-SES E14 25W 300ºC 1
7 N.P.A. Part of Item 5 1
8 0707 018 003 Clip Bulb Thermostat 1
9 0214 777 077 Motor Fan Oven 1
10 0022 040 950 Plate Backing Motor Fan 1
11 0701 002 116 Screw Nº10 x 3/4" Pan PH Zc AB 3
12 0026 001 039 Fan Impeller 152mm 1
13 0065 009 240 Nut M6 LH. Fan Motor SEL 1
14 0122 004 499 Element Grill 2200W 1
15 0125 008 345 Clip Mounting Element 4
16 0012 018 672 Support Element Grill 1
17 0173 008 050 Wire Insulation Back Formed 2
18 0028 025 292 Cover Burner Oven Enamel 1
19 0038 016 507 Panel Baffle Fan Enamel 1
20 0008 001 078 Deflector Grill Enamel M/F 1
21 0327 001 146 Rack Side Oven 5 Position LH 1
0327 001 154 Rack Side Oven 5 Position RH 1
22 0701 009 027 Screw Nº8 x 1/2" Mush PH #2 AB BK 2
23 0564 001 375 Adaptor Test Point LP UC20 (Inc. Item 25) 1
24 0294 001 029 Regulator Gas NG PTP Integr 1
25 0115 009 011 Washer Sealing 1
26 0571 001 201 Hose Flex 1.7M GHW W/Swivel 1
27 0068 007 040 Fitting Inlet U/B 1
28 0030 024 002 Bracket Mtg Valve H.S.I. 1
29 0136 001 206 Valve Thermal H.S.I. Single 1
30 0131 001 198 Nipple Injector 1.45mm NG H.S.I. 1
0131 001 199 Nipple Injector 0.90mm LP H.S.I. 1
31 0004 008 300 Burner Oven 1
32 0673 001 045 Igniter H.S.I. Assy. W/O 1
33 0701 009 027 Screw Nº8 x 1/2" Mush PH #2 AB BK 1
1 0038 005 422 Panel Top U/Bench Combo 1
2 0215 002 086 Cord Service 10A 2200mm 1
3 0547 001 106 Grommet Cord Grip Heyco 1217 1
4 0038 007 948 Panel Wire Cover Assy Gas GIO 1
5 0712 003 045 Tie Cable Push Mount 3
6 0701 009 012 Screw Nº8 x 1/2" W/HD RP NI
7 0038 006 713 Panel Side Underbench 2
8 0038 003 265 Panel Base Gas Underbench 1
9 0038 003 253 Panel Deck Inter 1
10 0256 001 106 Connector 6 Way Black 1
11 0712 014 032 Insulator Coffin 150ºC Nylon 3
12 0634 001 018 Transformer Single 240/125V 1
13 0349 001 340 Shield Vent Baffle 1
14 0214 002 075 Motor Fan Cooling Class H 1500 1
15 0541 001 232 Thermal Cutout 145ºC 1
16 0702 007 045 Screw Nº6 T25 x 9mm Pan PH 1
17 0257 001 013 Canopy Fan 1
18 0700 027 013 Screw 3/16" x 1" Pan Phil Ni 1
19 0706 009 002 Washer Internal Shake-Proof 2
20 0705 002 053 Nut 3/16" BSW 3
21 0712 002 017 Washer Cup Terminal 3/16" (H198) 1
22 0712 002 026 Washer 7/32" x 3/8" BR (H150W) 1
1 0081 009 131 Frame Front Oven Enamel Black U/B 1
2 0133 002 211 Support Counter Hinge Door 2
3 0750 006 005 Screw M5 x 9 Csk Black Zc 4
4 0188 002 236 Seal Oven 1675mm OC98 1
5 0701 009 031 Screw Nº8 x 9/16” B/HD S/Pt Black 1
6 0589 001 032 Bumper Stop Black 2
7 0712 015 025 Bush Mounting Front Frame 2
8 0701 003 070 Screw CSK PH 6AB x 25mm Black 2
1 0038 011 352 Panel Control GOL472S 1
0038 011 350 Panel Control GOL472W 1
2 0609 100 259 Light Indicator Neon 110V 1 1
3 0541 001 920 Thermostat Oven Multi Select EFG202 1 1
4 0609 100 270 Timer (2 Hour Cut-Off) 1 1
5 0150 005 264 Screw M4 x 8 Pan #2PH Small HD 2 2
6 0065 009 209 Nut Metric M10 x 0.75 1 1
7 0019 007 995 Knob S/S W/House Elec 2
0019 007 993 Knob White W/House Elec 2
8 29143982 Clip Knob (Part of Item 7) 2 2
9 0702 007 041 Screw #8 x ½” Mush #2PH TC NI 2 2
1 0255 003 462 Panel Control (Glass & Clips Assy) 1
0255 003 463 Panel Control (Glass & Clips Assy) 1
2 0701 003 073 Screw #8 x 5/8 CSK #2PH AB BK 2 2
3 0400 005 086 Tape #506Sl310 8mmx560mm 1 1
4 0022 041 051 Plate Mtg Switch Blk Diehl Ky 1 1
5 0534 001 652 Switch M/Function 6 Position 1 1
6 0541 001 930 Thermostat Oven - Keep Warm EGO 1 1
7 0150 005 259 Screw M4 x 5 Pan #2PH Small HD 4 4
8 0609 100 259 Light Indicator Neon 110V 1 1
9 0609 100 271 Clock 6 Button Valuetime Six Tint 1 1
10 0019 008 037 Knob Black W/House Elec 2
0019 008 035 Knob White W/House Elec 2
11 29143982 Clip Knob (Part of Item 10) 2 2
12 0574 001 247 Button Clock Black Diehl Ky 6
0574 001 251 Button Clock White Diehl Ky 6
1 # 0038 011 354 Panel Control GOL476S 1
2 0534 001 652 Switch M/Function 6 Position 1
3 # 0600 001 032 Lens Westinghouse Diehl 1
4 # 0609 100 271 Clock 6 Button Valuetime Six Tint 1
5 0541 001 930 Thermostat Oven - Keep Warm EGO 1
6 0609 100 259 Light Indicator Neon 110V 1
7 0150 005 259 Screw M4 x 5 Pan #2PH Small HD 4
8 0019 007 995 Knob S/S W/House Elec 2
9 29143982 Clip Knob (Part of Item 8) 2
10 0574 001 250 Button Clock Black Diehl Ky 6
11 0702 007 041 Screw #8 x ½ Mush #2PH TC NI 2
1 0036 001 076 Dish Grill Enam Oven OC98 1
2 0028 025 331 Cover Grill Dish S/Less Lge En Blk 1
3 0037 004 036 Tray Scone Black-Gas 1
4 0327 001 148 Shelf Oven Gas OC98 2
5 0028 025 292 Cover Oven Burner Enamel OC98 1
N.I. 0564 001 346 Bag Containing 2 Screws (Installation) 1
1 0609 100 231 Panel Outer Ov/Door Prim S/S 1
0609 100 230 Panel Outer Ov/Door Prim White 1
2 0050 010 721 Handle S/S 1
0050 010 723 Handle White 1
3 0137 002 031 Insulator Handle Glass 0 2
4 0271 001 305 Spacer Handle S/S Doors 2
0271 001 304 Spacer Handle Glass Doors 2
5 0702 004 009 Screw 3/16 x 12 Pan PH Trilob GP 2 2
6 0038 001 793 Panel Inner Ov/Door Assy Low 1 1
7 0701 009 031 Screw #8 x 9/16 B/HD S/PT BKOX 2 2
1 0609 100 232 Panel Outer Ov/Door Prim Black 1
0609 100 231 Panel Outer Ov/Door Prim S/S 1
0609 100 230 Panel Outer Ov/Door Prim White 1
2 0050 010 722 Handle Black 1
0050 010 721 Handle S/S 1
0050 010 723 Handle White 1
3 0137 002 031 Insulator Handle Glass 2 0 2
4 0271 001 304 Spacer Handle Glass Doors 2 2
0271 001 305 Spacer Handle S/S Doors 2
5 0702 004 009 Screw 3/16 x 12 Pan PH Trilob GP 2 2 2
6 0038 001 794 Panel Inner Ov/Door Assy Mid 1 1 1
7 0701 009 031 Screw #8 x 9/16” B/HD S/PT BKOX 2 2 2