Parts Manual for SWT6541 91304111302
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ITEM PART Nº DESCRIPTION Ex.8180 5541 6541 6041
1 807042502 Lid Assembly & Magnet 1 1 1
2 807699301 Knob Assembly 1 1 1
3 119125100 Screw Flat PH M4x12MM 2 2 2
4 A00178203 Panel Control Assembly 5541 1
A00178202 Panel Control Assembly 6541 1
A00178216 Panel Control Assembly 6041 1
6 A00163006 Panel Top Medium - MINI 1 1 1
7 A02881101 Cap Drawer 1 1 1
8 807128801 Hinge Lid Left 1 1 1
9 A00175601 Hinge Lid Right 1 1 1
10 A00175001A PCBA Assy, Power & UI 5541 1
A00175001B PCBA Assy, Power & UI 6541 1
A00175001C PCBA Assy, Power & UI 6041 1
11 A02562901 Cover Reed Switch 1 1 1
12 133123701 Screw M4X1.75X14 PCB 4 4 4
14 A00172201 Valve Inlet Hot 1 1 1
15 A00172101 Valve Inlet Cold 1 1 1
16 119011211 Capacitor 12uF/450V 5% 1 1 1
16A 809043102 Cap Capacitor 1 1 1
17 119015400 Sensor Pressure 1 1 1
17A 119124910 Screw M4 x 18 x 12MM Pssr Sensor 2 2 2
18 A00171701 Dispenser Housing 1 1 1
19 807102902 Harness Assy Upper + Reed switch 1 1 1
20 119121601 Screw Capacitor clamp 1 1 1
21 119120100 Clamp Capacitor 1 1 1
22 119020300 Switch Knock Off 1 1 1
22A 119260400 Bracket Knock Off 1 1 1
23 A00163605 Panel Bottom Cover 1 1 1
23A 0150200040 Screw FL 6X1/2 S 7 7 7
24 A00163801 Dispenser Guide 1 1 1
25 119121901 Screw 19X1/2 HIL 2 2 2
26 0185200045 Lever Knock Off 1 1 1
N.I 807496604 Cable Service Cord AU 1 1 1
N.I A07542401 Seal Cord Connector 2 2 2
1 0571200125 Hose Assy Inlet Hot/Red 1
2 0571200124 Hose Assy Inlet Cold/Blue 1
3 0180200003 Hook Outlet Hose 1
4 NPN Cabinet 1
5 807384801 Tie, Plastic, Harness 3
6 A00177301 Panel Rear Plastic 1
7 119122401 Screw 10-16 ABX1/2 4
8 119240211 Hose Drain 1
9 119150500 Clamp Spring Pump 1
10 0028200084 Cover Pump 1
11 119122401 Screw 10-16 ABX1/2 1
12 7550001022 Clip Hose 1
13 807128701 Hose Bowl To Pump 1
14 119120400 Clamp Hose Double Spring 1
15 119095700 Pump Drain Assembly 1
18 119122701 Screw M6*1.0* 2
19 A00176601 Plinth 1
20 A00176701 Levelling Leg & Pad Assy 2
21 A00185801 Cover bottom 1
N I 0211 200 021 Grease, Suspension Rod Pivot Points (Nulon L90)(125g) x
1 A00181101 Cover Outer Bowl Med 1
2 A00178901 Ring Balance Assy 1
3 A00179201 Screw Tapping M5x16mm 1
4 A00178801 Drum Assy complete (includes items 2 & 3) 1
5 NPN Screw M8X30MM S/S (Refer to item 6) 1
6 A00179701 Plate Bowl Support Assy (includes items 5 & 8) 1
7 807156201 Screw M6X26mm S/S HEX 3
8 NPN Plate Bowl Lock (Refer to item 6) 1
9 807161001 Screw M6x24mm 3
10 360342 Cap Rod Suspension Top 4
11 *807015307K *Rod Suspension kit (includes all 4) 1
12 A00180801 Bowl Outer + Seal Medium 1
12A A00180901 Seal Tub 1
13 A11528702 Tube, Pressure sensor(includes clamp) 1
14 0007204001 Cup Dispenser 1
15 119408421 Frame Assembly (includes items 14 & 16) 1
16 119422200 Filter Assembly Lint 1
17 0150200077 Screw Agitator M6X20mm S/S 1
18 119270802 Agitator Medium 1
N.I. 0567 250 004 Tool, Agitator Screw Removal x
N.I. 0211 200 021 Grease, Suspension Rod Pivot Points (Nulon L90)(125g Tube) x
*NOTE: Rod kit consists of four rods, two front (Yellow, motor side) and two rear (white). The
front rods have longer springs and the rear rods have shorter springs
2 NPN Gearbox Coupling – Refer to item 8 1
3 A00182301 Frame Support 1
4 119123701 Screw 1/4-10 X 28 15
5 A00181302 Motor & Pulley Assy 1
5A A00181701 Bush Motor Insulation 2
6 119120701 Washer Motor Mounting 2
7 A00181601 Screw, Motor, M8X30mm 2
8 A00181901 Gearbox Assy Complete (includes Brake Trigger Assy) 1
8A NPN Gearbox (Refer to item 8) 1
8B NPN Brake Trigger Assembly (Refer to item 8) 1
9 A00182201 Screw, Gearbox M8X16mm 4
10 NPN Spring, Clutch(Refer to item 8) 1
11 NPN Ratchet Clutch(Refer to item 8) 1
12 A00182501 Link, Brake motor 1
13 A96873401 Actuator Clutch 220V 1
14 NPN Pulley Drive (Refer to item 8) 1
15 NPN Washer (Refer to item 8) 1
16 NPN Washer (Refer to item 8) 1
17 NPN Nut (Refer to item 8) 1
18 119345102 Belt Motor 1
19 A00182601 Frame Gear Box Protection 1
21 NPN Boss Clutch spring (Refer to item 8) 1
NI 807103001 Wiring Harness Assy, Lower 1