Parts Manual for Tisira Cooktop TEK61X

Click Here for Exploded Diagram and Parts List to find the Location ID of the part you're after. 

If it doesn't show up in our search system, email for pricing & availability. There may be a new code or its not a common item and needs to be listed

ID Part Number Description
1 2299566 1000W Solid Hotplate
3 2299567 1500W Solid Hotplate
4 2299077 Knob - ISS-6
5 2299568 Indicator and Bezel
6 2206104 Hob Panel
7 2299569 6-level Control Switch
10 2299909 Hot Plate Cover (Small)
11 2299908 Hot Plate Cover (Large)
19 2299570 Terminal Block
20-21 2299910 Mounting Brackets & M4(8x) Screws
